maandag 26 augustus 2013

Abunai 2013: Darkness Rising

Hey everyone!

Last saturday I went to Abunai, which is a 3-days cosplay/anime convention. To read my Abunaipost about last year, click here.

My friends and I began our journey in the early morning, 8am (but I was already awake at 6am!). By train we went to Eindhoven, and even our journey towards the convention was random. At a point we met a guy, who we like to call 'Otaku-san'. He was lost at a station so from there, he joined us. It was really fun, even the part that we almost lost him at another station.

Anyway, when we arrived at Abunai, there was a small row, and in no time we were in the hotel where it was hold. I met a lot of people there, and joined other groups. There was a huge deallerroom, and a big gameroom. Let's say that Abunai itself was big! They had a lot of events, and I wish that I could have stayed longer than just one day. It was just awesome!

I also bought a couple of kawaii things at the deallerroom, but those will be posted in another blog. I'm so happy with the things that I bought! I know that, when I go next year, I put some money away it just to buy more and stay longer at Abunai! There also were a lot of events, but I wasn't able to join a lot of them, which I'll surely do next year!

What I also liked, was the fact that I saw more Chii's!! All in different costumes, and I even got a picture with one of them! Makes Chii happy, haha.
I also made a video about Abunai, so check below to watch it! And below that, there are a couple of pictures that I made.

Well, this was it, hope you liked it and stay tuned!!

Li Hao

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